【同义词辨析】 2017-11-23 欺骗deceive-beguile
deceive: implies imposing a false idea or belief that causes confusion, bewilderment, or helplessness: the salesman tried to ~ me about the car. (deceive是基础词,表示使人相信虚假的事物to make someone believe something that is not true,如本例销售员企图欺骗我关于这部车的信息,如appearances can be very deceiving外表可能有欺骗性,如people who think they can eat whatever they want without harming their health are deceiving themselves认为暴饮暴食不会伤害身体是自欺欺人,形容某事物虚假可以说连孩子都骗不了,如the wall doesn't look real—it wouldn't deceive a child这墙看上去太假了,连孩子都骗不了)
mislead: implies a leading astray from the truth that may or may not be intentional: I was ~ by the confusing sign. 可表示有意或无意,如her comments were deliberately meant to mislead the public故意误导公众(有意),如don't be misled [=fooled] by his friendly appearance—he's really a ruthless competitor不要被他友好的外表误导,他实际是个无情的竞争者(无意)
delude: implies deveiving so thoroughly as to make one a fool or to make one unable to distinguish the false from the true: we were ~d into thinking we were safe.
beguile: stresses the use of charm and persuation to deceive: his ingratiating ways ~d us all. beguile还表示吸引to attract,如a beguiling [=charming] melody迷人的旋律,was beguiled [=charmed] by his voice被他的声音吸引 charm魅力,使人欣赏羡慕的魔力
deceive欺骗: 指施加虚假想法观念,使人迷惑无助,mislead误导: 使偏离事实,故意或无意,delude完全欺骗: 表示完全欺骗到不能分辨是非,beguile蛊惑哄骗: 通过魅力劝说而欺骗
记忆方法: 1)首字母MBDD大的毛病<==欺骗
2) 欺骗的意思是阴险地误导mean to lead astray or to frustrate by underhandedness. underhanded卑鄙的秘密的阴险的欺诈的 这组词比较好记,都和deceive相关,即施加虚假想法观念使人迷惑无助。delude强调完全,beguile强调魅惑劝说,mislead和字面意思一样表示领偏误导。 另外,常用词cheat表示通过欺骗作弊to use deceit or trickery to intentionally escape observation,如考试比赛作弊感情欺骗,如she was caught cheating on a test她被抓住考试作弊,如he cheated on his wife/girlfriend他欺骗妻子/女友,可见deceive是更基础的词